Year-round offer of beers

These are the beers that we brew throughout the year, and they are always available.


Zlatni medvjed (The Golden Bear)


Zlatni medvjed (The Golden Bear)

Pilsner / ALC 4,4% / IBU 25

A natural craft lager from the best pilsner malt and Aurora, Golding, and Saaz hops.


Grička vještica (The Witch from Grič)

Jaki tamni lager

Grička vještica (The Witch from Grič)

Jaki tamni lager / ALC 7,5% / IBU 21

A deliciously creamy and yet drinkable beer with a pleasantly sweet aroma and a rich malty character.



Hoppy lager


Hoppy lager / ALC 5,0% / IBU 45

As refreshing as lager, but hoppy like an ale; beautiful fruity aroma and pleasant bitterness prevail.


Fakin IPA

India Pale Ale

Fakin IPA

India Pale Ale / ALC 6,5% / IBU 55

This rascal (fakin) is a fearless combination of a pronounced malty character and bitterness in flavour, and a rich fruity aroma.


Crna kraljica (The Black Queen)


Crna kraljica (The Black Queen)

Schwarzbier / ALC 4,8% / IBU 20

A dark lager with a strong flavour and aroma of roasted malt and barley, yet well-balanced and very drinkable.


Dva klasa (Two spikes)


Dva klasa (Two spikes)

Weizenbier / ALC 4,6% / IBU 20

A hazy beer of specific flavour and aroma that come from wheat malt and the yeast used for wheat beers.

Seasonal options

These are the beers brewed at a specific time of the year, every year, and available over a period of few months.


Agram Stout


Agram Stout

Stout / ALC 5,5% / IBU 30

A classic stout with the predominant flavours of coffee and, to a lesser degree, of chocolate. Dry on the finish. Comes out in February.


Novi val (New Wave)

India Pale Ale

Novi val (New Wave)

India Pale Ale / ALC 5,7% / IBU 55

With its differing flavour, supreme balance, and the beautiful aromas of three exotic New World hops, this IPA was brewed to honour Zagreb's music New Wave culture of the 1980s. Available from April.


Ljeto u Zagrebu (The Summer in Zagreb)


Ljeto u Zagrebu (The Summer in Zagreb)

Witbier / ALC 4,8% / IBU 22

Belgian-style wheat beer from barley and wheat malts and oat, spiced with bitter orange zest and coriander. Out in late June.


Vragec (Little Devil)

Session IPA

Vragec (Little Devil)

Session IPA / ALC 4,8% / IBU 45

A mischievous low-alcohol IPA. Drinkable, balanced with a lot of fruity aromas that come from four types of hops. Expect it from late August.


Crni Jack (Black Jack)

Black IPA

Crni Jack (Black Jack)

Black IPA / ALC 6,3% / IBU 55

This IPA's coffee and chocolate flavours are blended with an explosion of hoppy character. Ready to drink from early October.


Božićno pivo (Christmas Beer)

Strong dark lager

Božićno pivo (Christmas Beer)

Strong dark lager / ALC 6,9% / IBU 23

A strong dark beer with a very rich flavour, aroma, and texture that are a result of a rich mixture of malts traditionally prepared for the Christmas season. You can enjoy it from mid November.

Collaboration and charity beers

These are the beers that Medvedgrad has brewed in collaboration with its friends or for charitable purposes, to support certain groups and projects.


Happy Child

Session IPA

Happy Child

Session IPA / ALC 4,1% / IBU 35

A light and refreshing IPA rich in playful hops that impart a spring aroma to the beer. From every bottle sold, Pivovara Medvedgrad makes a charitable contribution to some of the organizations that take care after children.


The Bunny Said


The Bunny Said

Saison / ALC 5,1% / IBU 24

A refreshing beer with a spicy character, which it owes to a specific yeast strain – the saison yeast. From every bottle sold, a charitable contribution is donated to some of the animal welfare organizations.


Cold Beer

Punk rock lager

Cold Beer

Punk rock lager / ALC 4,1% / IBU 35

Light and drinkable, this beer that is more on the hoppy side was created in collaboration with the Croatian punk rock band Hladno pivo (“Cold beer”).


Art Park

Vienna lager

Art Park

Vienna lager / ALC 4,8% / IBU 30

A refreshing lager that has been brewed for years in collaboration with the popular Zagreb event Art Park.



Imperial Pils


Imperial Pils / ALC 6,1% / IBU 32

This rich lager with a higher alcohol content has been brewed with a lot of noble hops from Germany. Home brewer Matt Hollingsworth assisted us in creating this beer.


St. Martin's beer


St. Martin's beer

Barleywine / ALC 10,3% / IBU 63

After more than six months of conditioning, this barley wine features complex malty and strong fruity flavours with a seductive aroma. This beer was brewed in collaboration with Matt Hollingsworth.

The Phantom series

A mysterious brewer creates a variety of beer styles. Every beer is one-off and has a new and unique recipe. This phantom brewer is predictably unpredictable: you know she will come, but you don’t know what beer will she brew!


The Blue Phantom

The Blue Phantom

The blue-cap phantom brews India Pale Lagers and other hoppy lagers. Each of his beers has a new and different recipe.


The Red Phantom

The Red Phantom

The red-cap phantom brews India Pale Ales and each of his beers has a new and different recipe.


The Yellow Phantom

The Yellow Phantom

The yellow-cap phantom brews lagers and each of his beers has a new and different recipe.


The Green Phantom

The Green Phantom

The green-cap phantom brews Pale Ales and each of his beers has a new and different recipe.


The White Phantom

The White Phantom

The white-cap phantom brews dark beers – stouts and porters. Each of his beers has a new and different recipe.


The Purple Phantom

The Purple Phantom

The purple-cap phantom brews fruit lagers. Each of his beers has a new and different recipe.


The Orange Phantom

The Orange Phantom

The orange-cap phantom brews traditional German beers. Each of his beers has a new and different recipe.

Our credentials

This is the list of all the beers we ever brewed, listed chronologically according to the year they were first brewed.

Fantom 37 / Mountain IPA / 6,5 % / 2023.
Fantom 36 / American pale ale / 5,4 % / 2023.
Fantom 35 / New England pale ale / 5,2 % / 2023.
Fantom 34 / Mountain IPA / 6,4 % / 2023.
Fantom 33 / Bock / 6,5 % / 2023.
Fantom 32 / Fruit lager / 5,4 % / 2023.
Fantom 31 / Cold IPA / 6,8 % / 2023.
Fantom 30 / Mountain IPA / 6,6 % / 2023.
Fantom 29 / Schwarzbier / 5,1 % / 2023.
Fantom 28 / NEPA / 5,3 % / 2023.
28 / Double NEIPA / 8,2 % / 2022.
8 Sons (collab Moersleutel Craft Brewery) / Baltic Porter / 8,0 % / 2022.
Oktoberfest IPL (collab The Master Craft Brewery) / India pale lager / 6,0 % / 2022.
Küss die Hand / Helles / 4,8 % / 2022.
Fantom 27 / NEIPA / 6,2 % / 2022.
Fantom 26 / India pale lager / 6,1 % / 2022.
Fantom 25 / India pale lager / 5,8 % / 2022.
Fantom 24 / India pale ale / 6,4 % / 2022.
Fantom 23 / India pale lager / 6,7 % / 2022.
Fantom Baltic Porter (collab Fehér Nyúl) / Baltic porter / 7,5 % / 2022.
Fantom NEPA / New England pale ale / 5,4 % / 2022.
27 / NEIPA / 6,7 % / 2021.
Lunatic (collab Maskeron) / Double NEIPA / 8,0 % / 2021.
Bearny Miller (collab Mlinarica) / Sour NEIPA / 6,0 % / 2021.
Kelnerica (collab Mlinarica) / India pale lager / 6,3 % / 2021.
Fantom Helles Lager 2 / Helles / 4,9 % / 2021.
Fantom IPL 4 / India pale lager / 6,0 % / 2021.
Fantom Bohemian Pilsner / Bohemian pilsner / 4,8 % / 2021.
Fantom IPA 5 / India pale ale / 6,0 % / 2021.
Fantom German Pilsner / Pilsner / 5,6 % / 2021.
Fantom with Motive (collab Motiv Beer Co.) / New England pale ale / 5,3 % / 2021.
Fantom IPA 4 / India pale ale / 6,7 % / 2021.
Fantom IPL 3 / India pale lager / 6,4 % / 2021.
Fantom IPA 3 / India pale ale / 6,6 % / 2021.
Fantom Helles / Helles / 4,7 % / 2021.
26 / India pale ale / 6,2 % / 2020.
Kišna nedjelja / Stout / 5,3 % / 2020.
Fantom IPA 2 / India pale ale / 5,6 % / 2020.
Fantom IPL 2 / India pale lager / 6,0 % / 2020.
Konobar / India pale ale / 6,8 % / 2020.
Fantom IPL / India pale lager / 6,5 % / 2020.
Fred (collab Hair of the Dog) / American strong lager / 11,2 % / 2019.
25 / India pale lager / 6,5 % / 2019.
Fantom Session IPA / Session IPA / 4,3 % / 2019.
Hladno pivo / Punk rock lager / 4,1 % / 2019.
55 (collab Odell Brewing Co.) / Maibock / 6,4 % / 2019.
Fantom Juicy Lager / India pale lager / 6,8 % / 2019.
Zeko je reko / Saison / 5,1 % / 2019.
Fantom Braun / Imperial brown ale / 8,5 % / 2019.
Ferdinand / Imperial IPA / 7,7 % / 2019.
Grička vještica Barrel Aged / Doppelbock / 7,5 % / 2019.
Pivo Sv. Martina Barrel Aged / Barleywine / 10,3 % / 2019.
Sretno dijete / Session IPA / 4,1 % / 2019.
Bunny Hoppy (collab Greyp Bikes) / Hoppy lager / 5,0 % / 2019.
Fantom Irish Dry Stout / Stout / 4,1 % / 2019.
Fantom IPA / India pale ale / 6,5 % / 2019.
24 / Belgian IPA / 7,6 % / 2018.
Brucifer (collab KSET) / Helles / 5,0 % / 2018.
Honey Double IPA (collab The Garden Brewery) / Double IPA / 8,0 % / 2018.
Profesor / Double hoppy lager / 7,3 % / 2018.
Fantom Vanilla Stout / Stout / 5,5 % / 2018.
Fantom Stout / Stout / 6,3 % / 2018.
23 / India pale ale / 5,8 % / 2017.
Gavran / Imperial stout / 10,8 % / 2017.
Hendrix / Session lager / 3,8 % / 2017.
Novi val / India pale ale / 5,7 % / 2017.
Art Park (collab Art Park) / Vienna lager / 4,8 % / 2017.
Pivo Sv. Martina (collab Matt Hollingsworth) / Barleywine / 10,3 % / 2016.
Vragec / Session IPA / 4,8 % / 2016.
CugMajstor (collab Matt Hollingsworth) / Imperial pils / 6,2 % / 2016.
Baltazar / Hoppy lager / 5,6 % / 2016.
Crni Jack / Crna IPA / 6,3 % / 2015.
Ljeto u Zagrebu / Witbier / 5,2 % / 2015.
Rođendansko pivo / Strong Belgian ale / 9,0 % / 2014.
Fakin IPA / India pale ale / 6,5 % / 2014.
Agram Stout / Stout / 5,5 % / 2014.
Svijetli ale / Blond ale / 4,9 % / 2014.
Božićno pivo / Dunkelbock / 6,9 % / 2013.
Tamno Dva klasa / Dunkelweitzen / 4,8 % / 2013.
Grofica Kirsch / Fruit lager / 4,0 % / 2013.
Grička vještica / Doppelbock / 7,5 % / 1996.
Dva klasa / Weitzen / 4,6 % / 1995.
Mrki medvjed / Dunkel / 4,5 % / 1994.
Crna kraljica / Schwartzbier / 4,8 % / 1994.
Zlatni medvjed / Pilsner / 4,4 % / 1994.